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Richway - Single Size Biomat 7000MX 78"x40"

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Richway -  Single Size Biomat 7000MX 78"x40"

The Richway Single Size Amethyst BioMat 7000MX is essentially a larger version of the BioMat Professional. It has the same controller, same range of temperatures, same internal layers, same design, and same materials.  The only significant difference is the size – the Single BioMat is 12 inches wider and 4 inches longer than the Professional BioMat.

It does have a larger viewing-window to see the amethyst crystals, but this is just a cosmetic difference.  The professional size also has rows of crystals running all the way across it’s surface; they are just obscured by the outer fabric material.

In most cases, we recommend the Professional Size over the Single Size, simply because it can give the same treatment, it is more portable, and it has a lower cost.  However, there are some cases where the Single-Size might be preferable.

Even though the Professional size can do a full-body treatment, your arms do need to be at your sides in order for them to be over the mat.  If you want more space to really stretch out while using it, or if you are very tall, these could be good reasons to look for the extra size.  The Single-Size might also be a good option if the plan is to sleep overnight on it, and the extra space is desired.  For overnight usage, we highly recommend the quantum energy pad accessory.

We'd like to spread the therapeutic benefit of these wonderful BioMats as far and wide as possible. If there are any contingencies or requirements that are holding you back from trying it out, please let us know and we will truly go above and beyond to accommodate.

The BioMat Professional is recommended for a treatment of the whole-body system. And for more localized treatment, such as back pain, the Mini BioMat can be more appropriate, because it's conveniently compact, and it's versatile application in many different seated or lounging postures . In time you'll probably want both sizes.

For a more complete explanation of the Biomat, please visit our Biomat Tech Page. You may also view a case study on it’s long-term beneficial effects here BioMat Stress Reduction Study by Dr. George Grant.

Click here for a list of Contraindications

You may also add a Richway Biomat Pillow to your order +$350

The Single-Size BioMat includes these accessories:

Zipper Storage Bag
Fitted Cotton Cover (machine washable)
7000MX Control Box
Documentation and RI#
30 Year Replacement Policy

+Supplemental User Guide

Risk Free Trial Period

+ The 4th Treatment For Medical Refugees (eBook or Hard Copy Upon Request)

**This Product is one of the Few Exceptions to our Free Shipping Policy. Shipping is $60.  Please call us for details 720 686 3063**

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