Often insurance companies will pay a portion or up to 100% of a BioMat as medical equipment (personal injury protection, flex spending accounts, and workman's comp. are the easiest and most successful claims). Traditional health insurance policies are also beginning to pay. Blue Cross paid 100% recently after denying all previous claims. Since Richway is not a medical provider, Medicare payment may not be possible as the rules currently exist.
Since each insurance company is different, each claim and each process is also different. If you can find a helpful person within your insurance system, she/he will be able to guide you to the paperwork required for that particular insurance carrier.
- Keep good records and call often to your insurance carrier so that your claim stays on track.
- Terminology like ‘far infrared therapy’ and ‘thermotherapy’ are helpful terms that your claims handler can research to learn exactly what medical benefit the biomat will provide for you.
- The parent company and manufacturer of biomats is Richway International, www.RichwayUSA.com They are based in Honolulu, HI.
Types of insurance claims that are being paid:
a. PIP
b. Workman’s Comp
c. Flexible Medical
NPI Number: 1437589793
510K Number: K072534
HCPCS Code: E0221
FDA Medical Device Est. Number: 2954299
Non-Participating Provider Number: 22852-8
Insurance Steps:
1. Provide us with your Name and Shipping address so we can make you a medical invoice.
2. Have your doctor write a prescription recommending one of our products. Please specify item name and size. If your doctor is not aware of far infrared and negative ion technology, please reference our "learn" section. - *Download the Sample Insurance Letter
3. You will next receive the official Richway Medical Receipt and RI #. Submit the Medical Receipt, Doctor’s Prescription, and Health Insurance Claim Forms to your insurance company. Keep copies of all documents.
4. It is your responsibility to follow up with their insurance company regarding the approval
5. If approved, the insurance company will send a check payable to Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. If the patient receives the check payable to both themselves and Richway & Fuji Bio Inc., they will
endorse the check and forward it to Richway & Fuji Bio Inc. The check must reference the RI Number which you will recieve from us along with the Medical Receipt.
6. After Richway receives the check, the order will be processed and products will be shipped to your door.